Jan Saugen AS has gotten renewal of our Achilles certificate. The renewed certificate is valid until February 2019. The Sellihca system for qualification and register.
Jan Saugen AS is ISO9001 certified for “Delivery of Consultancy services within Public Transport”. Here is Our Certificate:
We need more resources with relevant background and education within railway – public transport. Extensive experience may compensate for the lack of formal education. Jan.
Here you find Our TransQ certificate valid until 24th of April 2017 TransQ certificate 2016
Jan Saugen AS has donated 25.000.- NOK to Redd Barna and their effort related to refugees. Jan Saugen AS urges all other consultancy Companies to do likewise.
Jan Saugen AS is TransQ approved until 24.04.2016 and our certificate you will find here: TransQ certificate
Jan Saugen AS is qualified within Sellihca – the approved supplier register of the energy business in the nordic countries up until 15th of February.